c) External Stakeholder: Individuals, institutions, and organizations outside the University that are affected by or influence the University,
ç) Internal Stakeholder: Students, academic, and administrative staff within the University who are affected by or influence the University,
d) Relevant Unit: Other units within the University working in coordination with Erciyes University's Sustainability Office,
e) Commission: Sustainability Commission,
f) Coordinator: Erciyes University Sustainability Coordinator,
g) Coordination: Erciyes University Sustainability Coordination,
ğ) Assistant Coordinator: Assistant to the Erciyes University Sustainability Coordinator,
h) Student Society: Erciyes University Sustainable Student Society,
ı) Rector: Rector of Erciyes University,
i) Vice Rector: Relevant Vice Rector of Erciyes University,
j) Senate: Erciyes University Senate,
k) UYGAR Centers: Erciyes University Application and Research Centers,
l) University: Erciyes University,
m) Senior Management: The Rector and Vice Rectors.
ARTICLE 4 – (1) The purpose of the Coordination; To work on determining strategies and preparing action plans in line with the University’s sustainability policy and to ensure their implementation; to guide University units in organizing the sustainability ecosystem, ensure coordination of activities, raise individual, societal, and institutional sustainability awareness, improve institutional sustainability competence, and contribute to achieving sustainable development goals.
ARTICLE 5 - (1) The Coordination is responsible for carrying out the following duties:
a) To guide the formation of the University's sustainability policies and contribute to their implementation,
b) To work on developing and updating sustainability strategies and to provide recommendations to Senior Management to rank the University higher in national and international sustainability rankings,
c) To determine, monitor, update, and evaluate targets in line with University sustainability strategies,
ç) To conduct awareness-raising activities for internal and external stakeholders on sustainability,
d) To establish project groups and subcommittees deemed necessary for Coordination activities,
e) To coordinate with relevant units in the University’s sustainability ecosystem and conduct joint studies on behalf of the University,
f) To work with unit managers to ensure that all units’ objectives and activities align with University sustainability strategies and goals,
g) To improve performance regarding indicators in national and international sustainability rankings,
ğ) To provide suggestions on topics and areas concerning the University's sustainability activities and organize related legislative studies,
h) To establish collaborations and prepare protocols on sustainability-related matters,
ı) To prepare the general report on the University's sustainability activities in coordination with relevant units and present it to the senior management,
i) To inform units on issues related to the activities of the Coordination and evaluate activities,
j) To evaluate suggestions from the Commission.